Thursday 1 January 2015

Rules for Naming a Variable

1- A Variable name cannot be more than 40 characters.

2- The name of Variable may contain alphabets (both lower case and upper case) numbers and decimal points.

3- The first character in name of Variable must be an Alphabet.

4- Key /Reserved words of BASIC cannot be used as Variables.

5- Blank space is not allowed in names of Variables.
6- Last character of variable name should indicate the type of variable.

Examples of Correct Variable Names:

Examples of Wrong Variable Names:
cls(Because rule no 4 broken)
x y c(Because rule no 5 broken)
x$y$1$(Because rule no 6 broken)
1xyz(Because rule no 3 broken)
asdasdasdasdadasdasdaasdas(Because rule no 1 broken)

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